Cantabria wikipedia - Search
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  1. Etymology and usage

    Numerous authors, including Isidore of Seville, Julio Caro Baroja, Aureliano Fernández Guerra and Adolf Schulten, have explored the etymology of the name Cantabria, yet its origins remain uncertain. The Online … See more


    Cantabria is a mountainous and coastal region, with important natural resources. It has two distinct areas which are well differentiated morphologically:
    • Coast. A coastal strip of low, wide and gently rollin… See more


    According to the 2009 census, the region has a population of 591,886 which constitutes 1.29% of the population of Spain, with the population density numbering 106.8 people per kilometer. The average lif… See more


    The first written reference to the name Cantabria emerges around 195 BC, in which the historian Cato the Elder speaks in his book Origines about the source of the Ebro River in the country of the Cantabri:
    ...The Ebr… See more

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