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Graph C*-algebra - Wikipedia
In mathematics, a graph C*-algebra is a universal C*-algebra constructed from a directed graph. Graph C*-algebras are direct generalizations of the Cuntz algebras and Cuntz-Krieger …
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
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C*-Algebra – Wikipedia
C*-Algebren werden im mathematischen Teilgebiet der Funktionalanalysis untersucht. Sie sind in der mathematischen Physik entstanden. Es handelt sich um eine Abstraktion der …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Universal C*-algebra - Wikipedia
In mathematics, a universal C*-algebra is a C*-algebra described in terms of generators and relations. In contrast to rings or algebras , where one can consider quotients by free rings to …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Nuclear C*-algebra - Wikipedia
In the mathematical field of functional analysis, a nuclear C*-algebra is a C*-algebra A such that for every C*-algebra B the injective and projective C*- cross norms coincides on the algebraic …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Universal representation (C*-algebra) - Wikipedia
Let A be a C*-algebra with state space S. The representation := on the Hilbert space is known as the universal representation of A. As the universal representation is faithful, A is *-isomorphic …
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Algebra - Wikipedia
Algebra is the branch of mathematics that studies algebraic structures and the operations they use. [1] An algebraic structure is a non-empty set of mathematical objects, such as the …
Spectrum of a C*-algebra - Wikipedia
In mathematics, the spectrum of a C*-algebra or dual of a C*-algebra A, denoted Â, is the set of unitary equivalence classes of irreducible *-representations of A.
C*-algebra - Wikipedia
Een C*-algebra is een Banach-algebra uitgerust met een involutie die voldoet aan de normgelijkheid. {\displaystyle \forall a\in {\mathcal {A}}:\left\|aa^ {*}\right\|=\left\|a\right\|^ {2}.} In …
C^*-Algebra -- from Wolfram MathWorld
Jan 31, 2025 · A C^*-algebra is a Banach algebra with an antiautomorphic involution * which satisfies (x^*)^* = x (1) x^*y^* = (yx)^* (2) x^*+y^* = (x+y)^* (3) (cx)^* = c^_x^*, (4) where c^_ is …
An algebra with an involution is a *-algebra. Definition 1. A Banach *-algebra A is called a C*-algebra if kx ⇤xk = kxk2,x2A. Proposition 1. Let A be a C*-algebra. 1. kx ⇤ k = kxk; 2. If A …
C*-algebra - Wikipedia
C∗-algebras (pronounced "C-star") are subjects of research in functional analysis, a branch of mathematics. A C*-algebra is a complex algebra A of continuous linear operators on a …
C*-algebra - Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Apr 20, 2012 · Any $\Cstar$-algebra is isometrically and symmetrically isomorphic to a $\Cstar$-subalgebra of some $\Cstar$-algebra of the form $L (H)$.
Abstract algebra - Wikipedia
The permutations of the Rubik's Cube form a group, a fundamental concept within abstract algebra.. In mathematics, more specifically algebra, abstract algebra or modern algebra is the …
Operator algebra - Wikipedia
These include C*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, and AW*-algebras. C*-algebras can be easily characterized abstractly by a condition relating the norm, involution and multiplication. Such …
C*-algebra – Wikipédia
A matematikában a C*-algebra olyan Banach-algebra, mely el van látva egy, az adjungálás (konjugált transzponálás) tulajdonságaival rendelkező involúcióval. A C*-algebrákat először a …
Free $C^*$-Algebras - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Nov 23, 2017 · The C$^*$-algebra generated by a unitary $u$ has two relations, namely $u^*u=uu^*=I$, so it is not free. Given any free group, you can certainly generate a C$^*$ …
C∗-algebras are historically linked to the development of quantum mechanics through the groundbreaking work of John von Neumann (1903–1957) in the late 1920s, and since the …
Fundamental theorem of algebra - Wikipedia
The fundamental theorem of algebra, also called d'Alembert's theorem [1] or the d'Alembert–Gauss theorem, [2] states that every non-constant single-variable polynomial with …
One checks that m(a)b = m(ab) 8a; b 2 A and m; m are bounded. M(A) becomes a unital C -algebra with respect to. If A C M then 9 : M ! M(A); (m)(a) := ma, which is faithful if A C M …
C (programming language) - Wikipedia
C (pronounced / ˈ s iː / – like the letter c) [6] is a general-purpose programming language.It was created in the 1970s by Dennis Ritchie and remains very widely used and influential. By …
C*-algebra - Wikiwand
In mathematics, specifically in functional analysis, a C∗-algebra (pronounced "C-star") is a Banach algebra together with an involution satisfying the properties of the adjoint. A particular …
C*-環 - Wikipedia
数学における C*-環(シースターかん、英: C*-algebra )とは複素数体上の完備なノルム環で複素共役に類似の作用をもつものであり、フォン・ノイマン環と並ぶ作用素環論の主要な研究対 …
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