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Butrint National Park - Wikipedia
Butrint National Park (Albanian: Parku Kombëtar i Butrintit) is a national park in Vlorë County, southern Albania. It is located 18 kilometres (11 mi) south of …
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Baptistery of Butrint - Wikipedia
The Baptistery of Butrint (Albanian: Pagëzuesi i Butrintit), is an archeological site in Vlorë County, Albania and part of the Butrint National Park. Located in the archaeological site of Butrint, it is …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Butrint Lagoon - Wikipedia
Butrint Lagoon (Albanian: Liqeni i Butrintit) is a salt lagoon south of Saranda, Albania, located in direct proximity of the Ionian Sea. It is surrounded by dense forested hills, rocky coast and …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Venetian Fortress of Butrint - Wikipedia
The Venetian Fortress of Butrint (Albanian: Kalaja Venedikase e Akropolit) is a castle on the Butrint Peninsula in southern Albania. The castle is located by the Channel of Vivari within the …
Butrint - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Buthrotum was a city of the Epirote tribe of the Chaonians. It started declining in Late Antiquity. It later became abandoned during the Middle Ages after a major earthquake flooded most of the …
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Butrinto - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Butrinto o Butroto (albanés Butrint o Butrinti, griego Βουθρωτόν, latín Buthrotum, italiano Butrinto) fue una antigua ciudad situada en el sur de Albania, cerca de la ciudad de Sarandë y de la …
Archaeological Museum of Butrint - Wikipedia
The Archaeological Museum of Butrint (Albanian: Muzeu Arkeologjik i Butrintit) was opened in 1938. [1][2][3] It was reopened during the 1950s-1960s in the premises of the Venetian …
Butrint – Wikipedia
Butrint ist eine Ruinenstadt im Süden Albaniens, rund 20 Kilometer südlich der Stadt Saranda gelegen. Sie dehnt sich auf einer Halbinsel aus, die im Norden und Osten vom Butrintsee und …
Butrint - Wikipedia
Butrint este un oraș grec vechi de 2.500 de ani din Albania, care se întinde pe o suprafață de aproximativ 17 km 2. Situat într-o zonă deluroasă și împădurită, la sud de orașul Saranda, în …
Butrinti - Wikipedia
Butrinti hyri në rënie në Antikitetin e Vonë, para se të braktisej gjatë Mesjetës, pasi një tërmet i madh përmbyti pjesën më të madhe të qytetit. Në kohët moderne është një vend arkeologjik …
Butrinto - Wikipedia
Butrinto (in albanese Butrint o al locativo Butrinti) è una città antica e un importante sito archeologico situato in Ciamuria, nella porzione meridionale dell’Albania a pochi chilometri …
Butrint Imeri - Wikipedia
Butrint Imeri was born on 3 July 1996 into an Albanian family from Kçiq, a village in Mitrovica, Kosovo, in the city of Lörrach, Germany. [2] [3] [4] He started dancing at the age of 8 shortly …
Butrint - World History Encyclopedia
Aug 23, 2012 · Butrint is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Settled since the Bronze Age, the site was certainly in contact with the Greek civilization from the 7th century BCE as pottery finds …
Butrint - History and Facts | History Hit
Jul 20, 2021 · Butrint is an archaeological national park in Albania and a UNESCO World Heritage site, renowned for its ancient ruins dating back as far as the 7th century BC Bronze Age. In …
Discover Butrint, Albania
Overgrown by forest and lost for centuries, Butrint lay frozen in time until excavations in the 1920s uncovered its extraordinary history. Today, this UNESCO World Heritage Site offers a magical …
Historia – Butrint
Zemra e Parkut Kombëtar është qyteti Antik i Butrintit, ekzistenca e të cilit vazhdoi pa ndërprerje, që prej periudhës së prehistorisë e deri në mesjetë, duke ofruar kështu një shumëllojshmëri …
Butrint - Wikiwand
Butrint (Greek: Βουθρωτόν and Βουθρωτός [2], romanized: Bouthrōtón, Latin: Buthrōtum, Albanian: Butrint) was an ancient Greek polis and later Roman city and the seat of an early …
Butrint: The ancient site helping Albania reclaim its identity - BBC
Jan 27, 2025 · Once known as "the North Korea of Europe", Albania is turning to its millennia-old sites and rich cultural heritage to recast its image.
The Ancient City of Butrint: Albania’s Archaeological Gem
Dec 30, 2023 · Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Butrint is a captivating archaeological gem that unveils the layers of civilizations that have left their mark on this …
Butrint | Southwestern Albania - Albania Travel Guide
Butrint is a UNESCO World Heritage site and an archaeological gem located in Albania’s very south. It features remnants from Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Venetian civilizations. With …