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Learn more about Bing search results hereOrganizing and summarizing search results for youA blue dwarf is a predicted class of star that develops from a red dwarf after it has exhausted much of its hydrogen fuel supply. It is a hypothesized class of very-low-mass stars that increase in temperature as they near the end of their main-sequence lifetime. It is believed that the universe is not old enough for any red dwarf to have yet reached the so-called "blue" stage, which is actually more of a medium white.4 Sources The colour of blue dwarf stars - Astronomy Stack …
The paper "M dwarfs: planet formation and long term evolution" describes blue dwarf stars, a hypothetical next-stage in the lifespan of red dwarf stars within a …
- Reviews: 9
star - Lifespan of B-type subdwarfs - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Nov 21, 2019 · According to the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia, the B-subdwarf Kepler-70 lost its helium envelope and became a blue-white subdwarf roughly 18.4 million years ago. …
How do K, F, A and B stars die? - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Apr 1, 2020 · What about F (yellow-white) main-sequence stars? Do they turn into supergiants and go supernova? Or do they take a similar route to yellow dwarfs? And what about A (white) …
- Reviews: 2
star - Reasonable stellar body stats - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Nov 20, 2023 · There is about 1 brown dwarf for every 5 stars. White dwarfs in the field would typically have a mass of $0.6 \pm 0.2 M_\odot$ and a luminosity of $10^{-5}-10^{-3}L_\odot$. …
If Sunlike stars become a red giant and eventually a white dwarf, …
Aug 14, 2020 · This star is called a "blue dwarf". The star becomes cooler and less luminous. Shell burning continues during this time, eventually ending with the star having a hydrogen …
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What is visible light colour output of different stars?
Apr 29, 2014 · Compare the effective temperature of the stars with Planck's law, and with a light bulb (2000 to 3300 K): The color of a light bulb corresponds to spectral class L (red brown …
Mass, Radius, Colour, Size, Type of a Star from the Hipparcos …
Jan 31, 2015 · Blue stars have a low colour index ($B-V<0$) as the star will be brighter in the blue (B) passband (filter), and will therefore have a low B magnitude, while red stars will have a …
What colors do other stars have when seen from space close to …
Jun 11, 2021 · Do A-, B- and O-type stars look blue from both their planet's atmospheres and outer space? Do red dwarfs look reddish even if you look at them from space (I mean close to …
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Origin of terms "white dwarfs" and "red giants"? - star
Jun 25, 2017 · Thus, we expect the white dwarf to appear white with a bluish tinge as blue is still marginally higher than the other wavelengths. For the red giant, the peak occurs at about 640 nm, which is near the red end of the spectrum.
Which star has a higher effective temperature, a red dwarf or a …
Dec 16, 2022 · According to the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, they would roughly have the same temperature, but I've read in bibliography that the surface temperature of the red giant is about …
Absolute magnitudes of stars - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Feb 19, 2014 · Chapter 15, called Normal Stars, contains spectral types, absolute magnitudes, colors and effective temperatures for main sequence, giant and supergiant stars. The …
Solar Spectral Types and Dwarf Stars - Astronomy Stack Exchange
There are also some extended spectral types, including D for white dwarfs, C for carbon stars, and several more for brown drawfs. The above are the predominant. The magnitude axis …
galaxy - What are the blue "stars"? - Astronomy Stack …
Sep 25, 2022 · There are 4 really bright blue stars in this photo of galaxy NGC 1961. For those who can't see them very clearly, you can focus on the furthest top right one. Is it a type O star as its blue? They seem much brighter than any …
Can insolation affect stars? - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Jan 15, 2023 · Consider a 2000K red dwarf star in orbit around a 10000K blue giant at a distance of 10 blue-giant radii away. This is far enough that tidal effects are mild for both stars (tidal …
stellar evolution - Why does the blue loop occur? - Astronomy …
Jul 15, 2024 · Stars above about 2.3 M $_\odot$ smoothly ignite helium in their core before reaching the tip of the red-giant branch and become hotter while they burn helium in their …
Why are there no green stars? - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Aug 31, 2020 · There are red stars, and orange stars, and yellow stars, and blue stars, and they are all understandable save the fact that there is a 'gap': There are no green stars. Is this …
Why are blue stars the hottest? - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Our eyes and brains make them blue. Stars are (close to) a black body, they emit a broad band of radiation. The hottest stars will emit most of their radiation in the ultraviolet but they will still be …
star - Are the sub-spectral types (1,...9) based on temperature or ...
Nov 17, 2020 · The spectral type of stars has an OBAFGKM class, along with a number, from 0 to 9. According to Wikipedia, (sample shown below), the lower the number, the hotter and more …
star - "Opacity" in red dwarfs - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Nov 4, 2022 · However, this also means that the Sun and massive stars expand into red giants and supergiants, as the star becomes "opaque" with increasing temperature and cannot …
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Oct 28, 2020 · The core pressure that is due to photons generated by chemical reactions inside the core forces the stellar atmosphere outwards (also called radiation pressure) while the …
Related searches for Blue Dwarf Star site:astronomy.stackexchan…
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