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  1. Battle of Actium - Wikipedia

    • The Battle of Actium was a naval battle fought between Octavian's maritime fleet, led by Marcus Agrippa, and the combined fleets of both Mark Antony and Cleopatra. The battle took place on 2 September 31 BC in the Ionian Sea, near the former Roman colony of Actium, Greece, and was the climax of over a decade of rivalry between Octavian and Antony. I… See more

    Date2 September 31 BC
    LocationIonian Sea, near the promontory of Actium in Greece
    ResultOctavian victory

    The alliance among Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus, commonly known as the Second Triumvirate, was renewed for a five-year term at Tarentum in 37 BC. However, the triumvirate broke down when Octavian saw … See more


    Antony initially planned to anticipate an attack by descent upon Italy toward the end of 32 BC; he went as far as Corcyra. Finding the sea guarded by a squadron of Octavian's ships, Antony retired to winter at Patrae while … See more

    The Epic Clash of Octavian and Antony
    The Epic Clash of Octavian and Antony
    In 31 BC, Octavian and Mark Antony fought a decisive naval battle near Greece. The outcome would shape Rome and Egypt's destiny.
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