Basement (geology) wikipedia - Search
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  1. Continental crust

    Basement rock is the thick foundation of ancient, and oldest, metamorphic and igneous rock that forms the crust of continents, often in the form of granite. Basement rock is contrasted to overlying sedimentar… See more


    The basement rocks of the continental crust tend to be much older than the oceanic crust. The oceanic crust can be from 0–340 million years in age, with an average age of 64 million years. Continental crust is older because co… See more


    The basement rocks are often highly metamorphosed and complex, and are usually crystalline. They may consist of many different types of rock – volcanic, intrusive igneous and metamorphic. They may also c… See more


    When a plate of oceanic crust is subducted beneath an overriding plate of oceanic crust, as the underthrusting crust melts, it causes an upwelling of magma that can cause volcanism along the subduction front on the over… See more

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