Barred spiral galaxy wikipedia - Search
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    Barred spiral galaxy - Wikipedia
    A barred spiral galaxy is a spiral galaxy with a central bar-shaped structure composed of stars. Bars are found in about two thirds of all spiral galaxies in the local universe, and gene…
    NGC 1300 - Wikipedia
    NGC 1300 is a barred spiral galaxy located about 65 million light-years awa…
    Spiral galaxy - Wikipedia
    An example of a spiral galaxy, Messier 77 (also known as NGC 1068) Spiral galax…
    NGC 1163 - Wikipedia
    NGC 1163 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Perseus. It i…
    Intermediate spiral galaxy - Wikipedia
    An intermediate spiral galaxy is a galaxy that is in between the classifications of …
    Spiral galaxy - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A spiral galaxy is a kind of galaxy that looks like a flat, slowly rotating disk wit…
    Barred spiral galaxy - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A barred spiral galaxy is a big group of stars shaped like a spiral, and which ha…
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