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Asopos (Boeotia) - Wikipedia
The Asopos (Greek: Ασωπός, referred to in Latin sources as Asopus) is a river in Boeotia and northern Attica, Greece. In antiquity, it formed the border between the cities of Thebes and …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Asopus - Wikipedia
Asopus sau Asôpos (Ασωπός) este numele a cinci râuri diferite din Grecia și Turcia, fiind de asemenea și numele zeilor acelor râuri în mitologia greacă.
Antiope (mother of Amphion) - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Antiope (/ ænˈtaɪəpi /; Ancient Greek: Ἀντιόπη derived from αντι anti "against, compared to, like" and οψ ops "voice" or means "confronting" [1]) was the daughter …
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
ASOPUS (Asopos) - Sicyonian & Boeotian River-God of Greek …
[1.1] OKEANOS & TETHYS (Apollodorus 3.156, Diodorus Siculus 4.72.1) [2.1] ZEUS & EURYNOME (Apollodorus 3.156) [3.1] POSEIDON & PERO (Acusilaus Frag, Apollodorus 3.156) [3.2] POSEIDON & KELOUSE (Pausanias 2.12.4) - OFFSPRING
[1.1] ANTIOPE (Homer Odyssey 11.261) [1.2] AIGINA (Pindar Paean 6, Antoninus Liberalus 38, Hyginus Fab 52, Nonnus Dionysiaca 13.201) [1.3] AIGINA, THEBE (Pindar Isthmian 8) [1.3] THEBE (by Metope) (Pindar Olympian 6) [1.4] AIGINA, EUBOIA, KORKYRA, PLATAIA, SALAM…
Asopus, river god and father of many spectacular figures
Asopus is a figure from Greek mythology, known as a river god and the father of several notable figures in Greek mythology, including Europa, Aegina, and Thebe. He was said to be the god …
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Асоп — Википедија
Ἀσωπός) је у грчкој митологији био бог истоимене реке. Ово име је можда изведено од речи asiapaos, што би значило „никад миран“. [1] Био је бог две реке; једне која је протицала …
Aesopus - Wikipedia
Aesopus (ook Esopus; Grieks: Αἴσωπος Aisopos) (620-560 v.C.) was 'n Antieke Griekse skrywer van kort stories, bekend as Aesopus se fabels. Die stories gebruik vermenslikte diere en …
Asopus - Greek Mythology
Asopus in Greek mythology is the name given to four different river gods that protected four respective rivers in Greece. As with all river gods, they were the sons of the Titans Oceanus …
Asopu - Wikipedia
Asopu (Asopus) yera una figura de la mitoloxía griega de los Oceánides, y representaba a los dos ríos homónimos griegos de les rexones de Beocia y del Peloponesu.
Ismene (Asopid) - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Ismene (/ ɪsˈmiːniː /; Ancient Greek: Ἰσμήνη, Ismēnē) was the naiad daughter of the river-god Asopus by the nymph Metope, daughter of the river Ladon. [1]
Asopus - Wikiwand
Asopus ( / əˈsoʊpəs /; Ancient Greek: Ἀ̄σωπός Āsōpos) is the name of four different rivers in Greece and one in Turkey. In Greek mythology, it was also the name of the gods of those rivers.
Asopus | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia Mythica
The god of the river Asopus, was a son of Oceanus and Tethys, or according to others, of Poseidon and Pero, of Zeus and Eurynome, or lastly of Poseidon and Celusa. 1 He was …
Asopus - Religion Wiki
Asopus or Asôpos (Ancient Greek: Ἀσωπός) is the name of four different rivers in Greece and one in Turkey. In Greek mythology, it was the name of the gods of those rivers.
Asopus - Encyclopedia.com
Asopus (əsō´pəs), in Greek mythology, river god. He tried to prevent Zeus from abducting his daughter Aegina, but Zeus drove him off with a thunderbolt.
Sisyphus - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus or Sisyphos (/ ˈsɪsɪfəs /; Ancient Greek: Σίσυφος Sísyphos) was the founder and king of Ephyra (now known as Corinth). He reveals Zeus 's abduction of …
Asopus - Wikiwand
Asopus is the name of four different rivers in Greece and one in Turkey. In Greek mythology, it was also the name of the gods of those rivers. Zeus carried off ...
Asopus - Myths of the World Wiki
Asopus or Asôpos (Greek Ασωπός) is the name of five different rivers in Greece and Turkey and also in Greek mythology the name of the gods of those rivers. Boeotian Asopus, a river of …
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Aso'pus (*)/Aswpos), the god of the river Asopus, was a son of Oceanus and Tethys, or according to others, of Poseidon and Pero, of Zeus and Eurynome, or lastly of Poseidon and …
Asopus - Wikipedia - Al-Quds University
May 28, 2023 · Asopus is often clearly the Phliasian Asopus (so indicated by Pherecydes) but not always so. Asopus chases after Zeus and his daughter until Zeus turns upon him and strikes …