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Apollo (crater) - Wikipedia
Apollo, also called the Apollo basin, is a large impact crater located on the far side of the Moon, in the southern hemisphere. It was previously known as Basin XVI; in 1970 it was officially named after the Apollo missions by the International Astronomical Union. The Chang'e 6 spacecraft landed within Apollo basin in … See more
Apollo is a double-ringed walled plain (or basin) whose inner ring is roughly half the diameter of the outer wall. Both the outer wall and the interior have been heavily worn and eroded by … See more
China launched the Chang'e 6 robotic mission on 3 May 2024, which seeks to return the first lunar sample from the Apollo Basin on the far side of the Moon. This is China's … See more
• Media related to Apollo (crater) at Wikimedia Commons See more
Three craters are named after the crew of Apollo 8. In the southeast part of Apollo is Borman crater, named after commander Frank Borman. Near the southeastern margin of Apollo is See more
The crater Oppenheimer is located next to Apollo's western rim, and the crater Barringer lies across the northern wall. To the southeast is the … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Nansen-Apollo (crater) - Wikipedia
Nansen-Apollo is a feature on Earth's Moon, a crater in Taurus-Littrow valley, at the base of the South Massif. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt visited it in 1972, on the Apollo 17 mission. The astronauts referred to it simply as Nansen during the mission. Geology Station 2 of the mission was located at Nansen. Nansen is located in the 'light mantle' which is almost certainly an avalanche
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Sharp-Apollo (crater) - Wikipedia
Sharp-Apollo crater is a small crater in Oceanus Procellarum on the Moon. The name of the crater was formally adopted by the IAU in 1973. [1] Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean …
- Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs
Apollo 15 operations on the Lunar surface - Wikipedia
Apollo 15 lunar surface operations were conducted from July 30 to August 2, 1971, by Apollo 15 Commander David Scott and Apollo Lunar Module Pilot …
- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
West (lunar crater) - Wikipedia
West crater is a small crater in Mare Tranquillitatis on the Moon, east of the Apollo 11 landing site, which is known as Tranquility Base. The name of the crater was formally adopted by the IAU …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Apollo (crater) - Wikipedia
Apollo, numit și bazinul Apollo, este un crater de impact enorm situat în emisfera sudică, pe partea îndepărtată a Lunii. Această formațiune eclipsează marele crater Oppenheimer, care …
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Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - Wikipedia
The probe has made a 3-D map of the Moon's surface at 100-meter resolution and 98.2% coverage (excluding polar areas in deep shadow), [14] including 0.5-meter resolution images of Apollo landing sites. [15] [16] The first images from …
Apollo (cratère) — Wikipédia
Apollo est un immense cratère d'impact sur la face cachée de la Lune. Le plancher intérieur d'Apollo est recouvert d'une multitude de petits cratères. Le nom fut officiellement adopté par …
Apollo (månkrater) – Wikipedia
Apollo är en enorm nedslagskrater på månen. Den befinner sig på det sydliga halvklotet på månens baksida. Det är den största identifierade kratern på månen. Kratern är uppkallad efter …
Apollo (Mondkrater) – Wikipedia
Apollo ist einer der größten Krater auf dem Erdmond. Die vor etwa 4 Milliarden Jahren entstandene Formation liegt im nordöstlichen Teil des Südpol-Aitken-Beckens auf der …
Aitken (crater) - Wikipedia
Oblique view, also from Apollo 17 Lunar Orbiter 2 image of most of Aitken. Aitken / ˈ eɪ t k ɪ n / is a large lunar impact crater that lies on the far side of the Moon, named for Robert Grant Aitken, …
Apollo (cratera) – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Apollo é uma enorme cratera de impacto localizada no hemisfério sul, no lado oposto da Lua. Essa formação supera a grande cratera Oppenheimer , localizada ao lado da borda ocidental. …
Apollo (crater) - Wikiwand
Apollo, also called the Apollo basin, is an enormous impact crater located in the southern hemisphere on the far side of the Moon. This formation dwarfs the large crater Oppenheimer …
Aldrin (crater) - Wikipedia
Aldrin is a small impact crater located on the southern part of the Mare Tranquillitatis, to the east of Sabine.It is located about 50 kilometers to the northwest of the Apollo 11 landing site, …
See the ‘Craters of Apollo 11’ - Cosmic Pursuits
With a modest telescope and good seeing, nearly anyone with a little observing experience can see the region of the Moon where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin briefly walked, and observe …
Collins (crater) - Wikipedia
Oblique view of Collins crater from Apollo 10. Collins is a tiny lunar impact crater located on the southern part of the Mare Tranquillitatis.It is located about 25 kilometers to the north of the …
Apollo (crater) — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
Oct 7, 2024 · Apollo, also called the Apollo basin, is an enormous impact crater located in the southern hemisphere on the far side of the Moon. This formation dwarfs the large crater …
Celebrate Apollo 11 with a Visit to Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins ...
Jul 17, 2019 · How about a visit to the craters named for the mission's three astronauts — Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins? The trio make a neat little row in the Sea of …
Ina (crater) - Wikipedia
Ina is located on top of a rounded upland (dome) 300 m high and 15 km in diameter. [15] [16] It is situated on an elongated plateau about 30 km wide.[1] [15] [17] This plateau stands in the …
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