Akkadian language wikipedia - Search
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    Because Akkadian as a spoken language is extinct and no contemporary descriptions of the pronunciation are known, little can be said with certainty about the phonetics and phonology of Akkadian. Some conclusions can be ma… See more


    Most roots of the Akkadian language consist of three consonants, called the radicals, but some roots are composed of four consonants, so-called quadriradicals. The radicals are occasionally represented in transcript… See more


    The Akkadian vocabulary is mostly of Semitic origin. Although classified as East Semitic, many elements of its basic vocabulary find no evident parallels in related Semitic languages: mārum 'son' (Semitic *b… See more

    Sample text

    The following is the 7th section of the Hammurabi law code, written in the mid-18th century BC: See more

    Akkadian literature

    Atrahasis Epic (early 2nd millennium BC)
    Enûma Elish (c. 18th century BC)
    Amarna letters (14th century BC)
    Epic of Gilgamesh (Sin-liqe-unninni', Standard Babylonian version, 13th to 11th century BC)… See more

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