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Abdülmecid II - Wikipedia
Abdülmecid II or Abdulmejid II (Ottoman Turkish: عبد المجید ثانی, romanized: ʿAbdü'l-Mecîd-i s ânî; Turkish: II. Abdülmecid; [5][6] 29 May 1868 – 23 August 1944) was the last Ottoman caliph, the only caliph of the Republic of Turkey, and head of …
Abdülmecid - Vikipedi
I. Abdülmecid (Osmanlıca: سلطان عبدالمجيد, 25 Nisan 1823, İstanbul – 26 Haziran 1861, İstanbul), 31. Osmanlı padişahı ve 110. İslam halifesidir. II. Mahmud 'un, …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Abdulmejid I - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abdulmejid I or Abdul Majid I (Ottoman Turkish: عبد المجيد اول, romanized: ʿAbdü'l-Mecîd-i evvel, Turkish: I. Abdülmecid; 25 April 1823 – 25 June 1861) was the 31st sultan of the Ottoman …
Abdülmecit - Wikipedia
Abdülmecit (Arabisch: عبد المجيد الأول) (andere spellingsvormen zijn bijvoorbeeld 'Abd ül-Mecid en Abd-ul-Mejid) (Istanbul, 23 april 1823 — aldaar, 25 juni 1861) was de 31e sultan van het …
- Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs
Portrait of Abdülmecid I - Wikipedia
Portrait of Abdülmecid I is an 1840 portrait painting by the British artist David Wilkie. It depicts Abdülmecid I, the seventeen year-old Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. [1] Wilkie travelled to the …
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Abdülmecit II - Wikipedia
Abdülmecit II (Istanboel, 29 mei 1868 - Parijs, 23 augustus 1944) was het 37e familiehoofd van de Ottomaanse dynastie en de 'opvolger' van Sultan Mehmet VI, maar hij was slechts kalief en …
Abdülmecit – Vikipeedia
Abdülmecit ehk Abdülmecit I (25. aprill 1823 – 25. juuni 1861) oli 31. Türgi sultan. Ta valitses 1. juulist 1839 kuni surmani 1861. Ta oli sultan Mahmut II ning tema esimese abikaasa …
Abdülmecid II | Reformer, Last Sultan, Caliph | Britannica
Abdülmecid II (born May 30, 1868, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire [now Istanbul, Turkey]—died August 23, 1944, Paris, France) was the last caliph and crown prince of the Ottoman dynasty of Turkey.
Abdülmecid – Wikipedia
Norsk nynorsk; Svenska; Afrikaans; العربية; Azərbaycanca; تۆرکجه; 閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú; Беларуская; Български; Bosanski; Brezhoneg
Abdülmecid II: the last Caliph of Islam from the …
Sep 18, 2024 · Abdülmecid II, the last caliph of Islam from the Ottoman dynasty, lived through one of the most tumultuous periods in Islamic and Ottoman history. His life was marked by the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the abolition of the …
Abdülmecid Kimdir? Hayatı, Kişiliği, Saltanatı, Eşleri ve Çocukları
Jan 19, 2017 · Sultan Abdülmecid veya I. Abdülmecid (25 Nisan 1823, İstanbul – 26 Haziran 1861,İstanbul), 31. Osmanlı padişahı ve 110. İslam halifesidir. II. Mahmud’un Bezmialem …
Abdülmecid I. – Wikipedia
April 1823 in Istanbul; † 25. Juni 1861 ebenda; auch Abdul Mecid, Abdul Medschid) war von 1839 bis zu seinem Tod Sultan des Osmanischen Reiches. Abdülmecid war der Sohn von Mahmud …
Abdülmecit - Discography of American Historical Recordings
Abdulmejid I (Ottoman Turkish: عبد المجيد اول, romanized: ʿAbdü'l-Mecîd-i evvel, Turkish: I. Abdülmecid; 25 April 1823 – 25 June 1861) was the 31st sultan of the Ottoman Empire and …
Abdülmecid II - Wikipedia
Altri progetti Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons contiene immagini o altri file su Abdülmecid II Collegamenti esterni [modifica | modifica wikitesto] Ettore Rossi , ‛ABD ul …
Abdülmecid I | Ottoman Reforms, Tanzimat & Legacy | Britannica
Abdülmecid I was an Ottoman sultan from 1839 to 1861 who issued two major social and political reform edicts known as the Hatt-ı Şerif of Gülhane (Noble Edict of the Rose Chamber) in 1839 …
Abdülmecit II – Vikipeedia
Abdülmecit II (29. mai 1868 İstanbul – 23. august 1944 Pariis) oli Osmanite dünastia viimane kaliif (19. november 1922 – 3. märts 1924). Abdülmecit oli Türgi sultani Abdülazizi poeg. Ta ei …
Abdülmecid I. – Wikipédia
Abdülmecid I. (osm. tur. عبد المجيد اول Abdülmecîd-i evvel, mod. tur. Birinci Abdülmecid; * 25. apríl 1823, Istanbul, Osmanská ríša – † 25. jún 1861, Istanbul, Osmanská ríša), zvaný aj Tanzimatçı …
Abdülmecit – Wikipedia
Abdülmecit, òg Abdulmajid, (23./25. april 1823 – 25. juni 1861) var osmansk sultan frå 2. juli 1839 til han døydde. Abdülmecit førte innanriks ein reformpolitikk og omskipa landsstyret gjennom …
Abdülmecid I Osmanlı Padişahı ve CX. İslam Halifesi …
May 3, 2024 · https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd%C3%BClmecid_I. Abdülmecid I (Ottoman Turkish: عبد المجيد اول ‘Abdü’l-Mecīd-i evvel; 23/25 April 1823 – 25 June 1861), also known as …
Abdülmecit - ktb.gov.tr
Abdülmecit (1868-1944) He was born in 1868, the son of the artist Sultan Abdülaziz II. He became caliph for some time after the end of the sultanate. He was not only an artist, but also a patron …
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