30 morning prayers to start each day with god - Search
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  1. 30 Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Your Day Encouraged

    • Find powerful morning prayers to seek God's presence, strength, guidance, and promises for each day. Download a PDF copy of these prayers or read them online for inspiration and encouragement.… See more

    A Morning Prayer For God's Presence

    Lord, may nothing separate me from You today. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You. Help me walk by the Word and not my feelings… See more

    Prayer to Start The Day

    Dear God, at the start of each day, help us to recognize you above all else. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts that we might see you and notice how you're at work through our lives. G… See more

    Morning Prayer For Strength

    Lord, I am weary and don’t know when this “race” will end in my life. I feel like I’ve been running forever, trying to outrun this trial. Help me to stop trying to outrun my pain and rather r… See more

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