20 examples of aerobic exercise - Search
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  1. Aerobic Exercise Examples: At Home, at the Gym, an…

    Aerobic exercise is any cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio.” It can include activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling.

    By definition, aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and heart rate will increase during aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise helps keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy.

    Aerobic exercise is any cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio.” It can include activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling.

    By definition, aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and heart rate will increase during aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise helps keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy.

    Aerobic exercise differs from anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercises, such as weightlifting or sprinting, involve quick bursts of energy. They’re performed at maximum effort for a short time. This is unlike aerobic exercises. You perform aerobic exercises for a sustained period.

    Read on to learn more about aerobic exercises you can try at home and the gym. And remember, always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning a new aerobic exercise routine.


    1. Jump rope

    Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers), jump rope Benefits: Jumping rope helps improve body awareness, hand-foot coordination, and agility. Safety: Your jump rope should be adjusted for your height. Stand with both feet on the middle of the rope and extend the handles to your armpits. That’s the height you’re going for. If it’s too long, cut or tie it to avoid tripping on the rope. Duration and frequency: 15 to 25 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week Following a jump rope circuit is a great indoor or outdoor activity, though you’ll want to ensure you have plenty of space. Your circuit routine should take 15 to 25 minutes to complete. If you’re a beginner: 1.Start by jogging forward as you swing the jump rope over your head and under your feet. Do this move for 15 seconds. 2.Next, reverse your direction and jog backward as you swing the jump rope. Do this move for 15 seconds. 3.Finish your set by doing a hopscotch jump for 15 seconds. To do this, jump rope in place, and as you jump, alternate between jumping your feet out to the sides and then back to the center, similar to how you’d move them while jumping jacks. Do this move for 15 seconds. 4.Rest for 15 seconds between sets. 5.Repeat 18 times. If you’re an intermediate exerciser, you can perform the moves for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds between sets. The advanced circuit should be performed for 60 seconds, followed by 60 second…

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    Your local gym is a great place to get some aerobic exercise. They probably have equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines. There may be a pool for you to swim laps in, too.

    If you aren’t sure how to use a specific exercise equipment, always ask a professional or trainer for assistance.

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    If you don’t like exercising alone, a class can provide a supportive and encouraging environment. Ask the instructor to show you the proper form if you’re new. They can help you modify the exercises if you’re a beginner, if necessary.

    Attend group classes at your local fitness center 2 to 3 times per week to start. You can always go more frequently later on if you enjoy the workout.

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    Is aerobic exercise safe for everyone?

    If you’re new to exercise, consult a primary care physician or other healthcare professional before starting. They can assess your health and recommend a fitness routine that’s safe and effective for you. Always start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down and stretch. Focus on form, and stop if it hurts.

    What are the benefits of aerobic exercise?

    Aerobic exercise gets your blood pumping and large muscle groups working. It can help: •improve heart health •lower blood pressure •regulate blood sugar •improve sleep •support weight management •boost mood

    How much aerobic exercise do you need?

    The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes or more of aerobic exercise five or more days each week. That can be broken up, though. For example, you can take three 10-minute walks throughout the day. You should also add two or more anaerobic strengthening sessions each week that focus on major muscle groups.

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