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Your child’s first grade teacher will count the three summer reading activities as their first assessment grades come September. Attached you will also find the first grade supply list. We …
This summer, when taking a break from some “fun in the sun,” you may wish to engage your child in activities that support learning and help your child maintain the skills they gained throughout …
Below are some helpful ways to prepare for First Grade. Reading/Language Arts: •Recognize the alphabet and know the letter sounds •Write upper and lower case letters •Practice writing in …
A PDF document with activities and resources for first graders to maintain their reading, writing, math and science skills over the summer break. Includes online access to myON, Reflex, and …
- File Size: 8MB
- Page Count: 77
Print these pages and give to PARENTS/GUARDIANS (optional). These pages include instructions, answer keys, and tips for helping the student with each page in the pack. It …
This packet is OPTIONAL. It is not required and it will NOT be turned in to anyone. This is a way for you and your child to keep up with some math and reading fun over the summer, if you …
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Summer Beginning Sounds Sort . blue ello whit oran purpl red pank gray . net nning Practice b d m b . Syllable Syllables Syllables ut Id, weather er ran F lends len nade shadow . S vmmer …
A PDF document with guided practice, family activities, games and reading list for incoming first graders at Woods Academy. The packet is designed to keep their skills sharp over the …
Download a PDF file with activities to help your child review reading, math, and writing skills over the summer. The packet includes book reports, sight word practice, IReady work, and a …
Summer is a time to relax and enjoy time with family. It is also a time when many students lose important skills. This packet has a review of math and ELA skills to review this summer so that …
This packet is filled with different engaging and fun reading, writing, and mathematics activities listed in a “Summer Calendar”. Over summer vacation, we strongly encourage you to set aside …
Follow the directions: First, draw a start Next, draw a shorter Then, draw an arrow other arrows. Fill in the circle next to the correct answer. Which month has less than 31 days? Nina works …
Kindergarten students learn many important math skills and concepts. Mastery of all these skills is extremely important in order to develop a solid math foundation. The first grade math program …
Getting Ready for 1st Grade! shown that children lose one to two months of math and reading skills over the summer! Don’t stress! There are ways to prevent this. By continuing to practice …
First-Grade Summer Packet SECTION 1: Decoding & Spelling Practice Practice Pages 1–10
Start collecting change in a jar on the first day of summer. On the last day, estimate your change, count it, and plan a special purchase. Summer patterns: Create patterns using summer items …
1 Summer Math Reinforcement Packet Students Entering into 1st Grade Our kindergarteners had a busy year learning new math skills. Mastery of all these skills is extremely important in order …
Grade 1 Summer Math Packet This packet is optional for those students who just completed Kindergarten and who will be in Grade 1 in September. It includes review games and fluency …
The Summer Math Learning Packet consists of 2 calendar pages, one for July and one for August, as well as directions for math games to be played at home. Literature and websites are also …
Second Grade May Math and Literacy No-Prep Packet - Twinkl
Twinkl's Second Grade Math and Literacy No-Prep Packet is just what you need for your students for the month of May! This pack includes holidays and events from May, along with important …
Getting Ready for 1st Grade! the summer! Don’t stress! There are ways to prevent this. By continuing to practice and review skills, students will maintain their level of academics and …