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  1. Chromatic scale - Wikipedia

    • The chromatic scale (or twelve-tone scale) is a set of twelve pitches (more completely, pitch classes) used in tonal music, with notes separated by the interval of a semitone. Chromatic instruments, such as the piano, are made to produce the chromatic scale, while other instruments capable of continuously variable pitch, such as the trombone and violin, c… See more


    The chromatic scale is a musical scale with twelve pitches, each a semitone, also known as a half-step, above or below its … See more


    The chromatic scale has no set enharmonic spelling that is always used. Its spelling is, however, often dependent upon major or minor key signatures and whether the scale is ascending or descending. In general, the chromatic s… See more

    Pitch-rational tunings

    The most common conception of the chromatic scale before the 13th century was the Pythagorean chromatic scale (Play ). Due to a different tuning technique, the twelve semitones in this scale have two slightly diffe… See more

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