10 plagues craft printable - Search
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  1. 10 Plagues of Egypt {Fun Facts, Printable & Craft}

    • This creative craft is perfect for Sunday school, youth group, or even to teach at home. I am always looking for fun and engaging ways to share Bible stories for young ones. When I think back as a kid, I remem… See more

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    Fun Facts About 10 Plagues of Egypt

    Did you know that when the staff hit the Nile River, all the water became blood, including water that was in wood or even stone jars? All the fish in the Nile died and the Egyptians could not drink from the river, nor stand the st… See more

    Edible Ten Plagues of The Bible Lesson List

    As you can see, I created food to mimic each of the plagues. As you go through and discuss each plague, show them firsthand the foods to resemble each plague. If you have older kids, encourage them to figure out which f… See more

    The 10 Plagues For Kids Edible Lesson

    What’s Needed
    1. Gelatin — River into Blood 2. Frog gummies — Frogs 3. Sno Caps — Lice 4. Black jellybeans — Flies 5. Animal crackers — Diseased Livestock 6. Burnt peanuts/ B… See more

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